African public libraries driving development: AfLIA Leadership Academy projects

OSUIGWE, Nkem and MULINDWA, Gertrude Kayaga (2018) African public libraries driving development: AfLIA Leadership Academy projects. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2018 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Transform Libraries, Transform Societies in Session S01 - Africa. In: Libraries as Centers of Community Engagements for Development, 22-23 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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African public libraries driving development: AfLIA Leadership Academy projects

Development is a process that engenders growth, positive change or an improved state of being for individuals, communities and for situations. Literacy is a prerequisite for development in many sectors. Public libraries have always been linked with literacy efforts particularly in Africa. However, through its Leadership Academy, the African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) is empowering innovations and expanding the raison d'etre of African public libraries to include development projects in various sectors ranging from health, environmental sustainability, gender issues and agriculture in different communities in Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda. The Academy's modules of Effective Leadership, Change Management, Innovation and Transformation, Asset Based Community Development, Advocacy, Monitoring and Evaluation are clearly targeted at the metamorphosis of African public libraries into institutions that act as catalysts for community development. Twelve (21) projects are being undertaken by the Cohort 1 of the Leadership Academy. Four (4) are discussed in the paper and put into perspective as activities that produce sustainable positive changes in communities. In-country cascading of the modules of the Leadership Academy is recommended to further promote the concept of African public libraries as catalysts for development.

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