Browse by IFLA Annual Congress

Number of items: 1.

Session S13 - Leadership roles in international librarianship: how can information professionals from Africa, Asia & Oceania, Latin America & Caribbean be part of it? - Division V (Regions) with Management of Library Associations and LIS Education in Developing Countries

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Description: Satellite Meeting, 20-21 August 2019, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt

  1. TOKWE, Hosea Strengthening Capacity of the Zimbabwe Library Association through Sustainable Partnerships. Convergence & Inclusivity: synergies for leadership development
  2. HERNÁNDEZ-CARRIÓN, José-Rodolfo and CHU, Clara M. Transforming libraries in a sharing economy: “Ubuntu” as a professional leadership concept from/for Africa, Asia and Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean
  3. ROBERTS, Winston Uncrossing wires: advocacy to overcome misperceptions of libraries and the ambiguity of ‘information’
  4. TALAVERA-IBARRA, Ana María Librarians´ leadership promoting reading, libraries and publishing in Peru: a joint experience of libraries and librarians, publishers, authorities and other stakeholders
  5. WIN, Daw Ah, NYEIN, Myat Sann, GILL, Amarjeet Kaur and SIEW, Valerie Role of Library Associations’ and LIS curriculum in uplifting the competencies of librarians
  6. FERRARI, Adriana Cybele, CONCEIÇÃO, Maria Imaculada da and SANTANA, Anderson de Advocacy: building skills and competencies in Brazil
  7. THAPA, Neelam LIS Education in India: Is it Fostering Leadership?
  8. FERREIRA, Sueli Mara S. P. and GAMBA, Camila The global voice represented at the IFLA Governing Board: A study of the last 19 years
  9. MARTÍNEZ ARELLANO, Filiberto Felipe and PALMA PEÑA, Juan Miguel Core Curriculum in LIS Latin American Schools
  10. FERREIRA, Sueli Mara S. P. and WEBER, Claudiane The geographical distribution of information professionals at the IFLA Annual Congresses, with an emphasis on the IFLA Division V Regions
  11. FERREIRA, Sueli Mara S. P. and TOFFOLI, Geni A. How are the IFLA Sections Standing Committees Members geographically distributed?
  12. KHALLAF, Amal M. Library and Information Science Open Access Journals in Arab Countries

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