Browse by IFLA Annual Congress
Number of items: 1.
Session S13 - Leadership roles in international librarianship: how can information professionals from Africa, Asia & Oceania, Latin America & Caribbean be part of it? - Division V (Regions) with Management of Library Associations and LIS Education in Developing Countries
Description: Satellite Meeting, 20-21 August 2019, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt
- TOKWE, Hosea Strengthening Capacity of the Zimbabwe Library Association through Sustainable Partnerships. Convergence & Inclusivity: synergies for leadership development
- HERNÁNDEZ-CARRIÓN, José-Rodolfo and CHU, Clara M. Transforming libraries in a sharing economy: “Ubuntu” as a professional leadership concept from/for Africa, Asia and Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean
- ROBERTS, Winston Uncrossing wires: advocacy to overcome misperceptions of libraries and the ambiguity of ‘information’
- TALAVERA-IBARRA, Ana María Librarians´ leadership promoting reading, libraries and publishing in Peru: a joint experience of libraries and librarians, publishers, authorities and other stakeholders
- WIN, Daw Ah, NYEIN, Myat Sann, GILL, Amarjeet Kaur and SIEW, Valerie Role of Library Associations’ and LIS curriculum in uplifting the competencies of librarians
- FERRARI, Adriana Cybele, CONCEIÇÃO, Maria Imaculada da and SANTANA, Anderson de Advocacy: building skills and competencies in Brazil
- THAPA, Neelam LIS Education in India: Is it Fostering Leadership?
- FERREIRA, Sueli Mara S. P. and GAMBA, Camila The global voice represented at the IFLA Governing Board: A study of the last 19 years
- MARTÍNEZ ARELLANO, Filiberto Felipe and PALMA PEÑA, Juan Miguel Core Curriculum in LIS Latin American Schools
- FERREIRA, Sueli Mara S. P. and WEBER, Claudiane The geographical distribution of information professionals at the IFLA Annual Congresses, with an emphasis on the IFLA Division V Regions
- FERREIRA, Sueli Mara S. P. and TOFFOLI, Geni A. How are the IFLA Sections Standing Committees Members geographically distributed?
- KHALLAF, Amal M. Library and Information Science Open Access Journals in Arab Countries