Browse by IFLA Annual Congress
Number of items: 1.
Session 220 - Parliamentary Libraries – Evolving to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century - Library and Research Services for Parliaments
- OKUYAMA, Hiroyuki Making information from the Diet available to the public: The history and development as well as current issues in enhancing access to parliamentary documentation
- MARDONES G., Francisco Georeferenced Libraries: expansion of services in the Cloud for Congress and community
- BAGONZA, Mugabi John and KINTU, Francis From a Reactive Research Section To a Robust Monitoring and Evaluation Legislative Oversight Data Centre: The Transformation of Uganda Parliament Research Service to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century
- BONNAL, Natacha Accessibilité du Droit: Vers la redéfinition du rôle des bibliothèques parlementaires
- MUNYORO, Isaiah What are the successes and failures of Parliamentary Constituency Information Centres in communicating parliamentary information to Zimbabwe’s citizens?
- ABIDI, Munazza Mashkoor Library 2.0 @ Parliamentary Libraries