Browse by IFLA Annual Congress
Number of items: 1.
Session 200 - Libraries in the political process: benefits and risks of political visibility - Library Theory and Research
Full IFLA WLIC 2014 Congress Programme
- BELLETANTE, Joseph Sortir des Crises. Un bond en avant pour les bibliothèques
- CLICK, Amanda B., DREWRY, Josiah M. and KHALIFA, Mahmoud The Effects of Political and Social Turmoil on LIS Research in the Arab World
- HART, Genevieve and NASSIMBENI, Mary South Africa’s LIS Transformation Charter: Policies, Politics and Professionals
- HUZAR, Tim Neoliberalism, Democracy and the Library as a Radically Inclusive Space
- LOR, Peter Risks and benefits of visibility: librarians navigating social and political turbulence