Browse by IFLA Annual Congress
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Session 149 - SCIENCE+ART=CREATIVITY: Libraries and the New Collaborative Thinking - Art Libraries with Science and Technology Libraries
Full IFLA WLIC 2014 Congress Programme
- BENNETT, Hannah Buildings with Brain Power: Library Architecture in Neural Terms
- FRANCE, Fenella G. and TOTH, Michael B. Integrating science and art: the scriptospatial visualization interface
- GRACE, Jane Crash boom bang your way into the world of arts, technology and sustainability
- RÄMÖ, Eila Science and Art meet Technology and Business - Service Design, Co-design and the Future Learning Center at Aalto University, Finland
- ROSE-SANDLER, Trish, GWINN, Nancy E. and RINALDO, Constance The Art of Life: Merging the Worlds of Art and Science