Crash boom bang your way into the world of arts, technology and sustainability

GRACE, Jane (2014) Crash boom bang your way into the world of arts, technology and sustainability. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2014 - Lyon - Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge in Session 149 - Art Libraries with Science and Technology Libraries. In: IFLA WLIC 2014, 16-22 August 2014, Lyon, France.

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Language: English (Original)
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Crash boom bang your way into the world of arts, technology and sustainability

This paper explores the planning and implementation of a technology and arts based education program at Yarra Plenty Regional Library. The program is designed to foster partnership opportunities with local educational institutions and increase the use of creative resources in the library. It is based at the Mill Park branch where the recently opened Maker Space offers new, innovative, state-of-the-art technology for people to use and create. There is technology in the space to create electronics projects, video making and editing and stop motion animation. This paper will describe one particular project, r’Orchestra, which incorporates aspects of programming; fine motor skills, music and design. It is an interactive technology and arts development workshop program where students are tasked with inventing musical instruments using recycled materials and Makey Makey devices. By combining Makey Makey invention kits with creativity, students are introduced to the broader applications of sciences such as programming and engineering in a real-world context. A broader objective of the r’Orchestra program is to increase the use of the Mill Park Library Maker Space and its resources by school groups. It also develops the student’s ability in communication skills, digital fluency, innovation, problem resolution, creativity and collaboration. The presentation will describe how the project was developed and implemented and the outcomes that have been achieved. It will suggest criteria for selecting and implementing appropriate, sustainable technologies in library spaces to maximise access and exposure to new and useful digital tools in the community.

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