Transmedia Storytelling as an Education Tool

LOERTSCHER, David V. and WOOLLS, Blanche (2014) Transmedia Storytelling as an Education Tool. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2014 - Lyon - Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge in Session 168 - Libraries for Children and Young Adults. In: IFLA WLIC 2014, 16-22 August 2014, Lyon, France.

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Transmedia Storytelling as an Education Tool

Transmedia storytelling provides an opportunity for librarians to engage their students in creative activities which lure students into reading by building from the basic story into a world of cooperative group work and collaborative intelligence. The research into creativity confirms the contribution transmedia storytelling offers to students who do not fit a traditional mode, and who, if never allowed to be creative in the classroom either drop out of school or become passive learners, and their possible long-term contributions are lost to the future. A new experience, makerspaces, is introduced and proposed as a way to allow students to move toward achieving their full potential. ile provides a template for writing papers for the 2013 IFLA conference. Full papers should be no longer than 4000 words. For your paper to be accepted it must be formatted as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .rtf), 10 MB or less in size, including pictures & diagrams and should be written in compliance with these instructions.

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