Inter-connected Network of Knowledge – The NLB Journey

KIA, Siang Hock, LIAU, Yi Chin and ONG, Ian (2014) Inter-connected Network of Knowledge – The NLB Journey. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2014 - Lyon - Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge in Session 208 - Knowledge Management. In: IFLA WLIC 2014, 16-22 August 2014, Lyon, France.

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Inter-connected Network of Knowledge – The NLB Journey

Libraries and archives collect and provide access to digital resources of significant national, cultural and heritage values. Their collections are painstakingly curated, described and made accessible. NLB adopted a holistic digital strategy that involves the digitisation of uniquely Singapore content, findability enhancement via search engine optimisation, and multi-screen delivery. The next leap is to link the digitised content into a network to enable contextual discovery. NLB has successfully created high quality associations amongst its digital resources. Text analytics technologies were used to automatically sieve through millions of items, and cluster related resources together. The result is a massively inter-connected network of knowledge. The users are now able to view and explore related resources within and across collections and media formats. Information is no longer viewed in isolation, but seen as a part of the larger context.

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