Public libraries, LGBTQI+ and the reduction of inequalities

BEAULIEU, Marie-Catherine, LAURENT, Clementine, MARTINEZ, Rafael and PROUST, Lena (2019) Public libraries, LGBTQI+ and the reduction of inequalities. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2019 - Athens, Greece - Libraries: dialogue for change in Session 113c - IFLA Poster Session.

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Public libraries, LGBTQI+ and the reduction of inequalities

In France, the LGBT community is still experiencing stricking inequalities: notably with the interdiction for lesbian couples to have access to assisted reproduction, and with the stark increasement of homophobic violence in 2018. A priori, the city of Lyon has a favorable framework as it is the home of important LGBT associations and holds every year the second largest Pride parade in France. The municipality has been involved since the late 1990s to include LGBT memories and culture in libraries, notably through the implementation of specialized collections such as the Chomarat Fund and the Point G. As part of the objective 10 of the United Nations Agenda 2030, our research studies the role that libraries in Lyon have in reducing inequalities and their involvement in being active initiator of dialogue and networking between the different communities inside French society. Our poster presents the results of this exploratory survey conducted among librarians in Lyon. It illustrates the multiplicity of cultural activities: workshops, screenings, debates, conferences, etc. It also addresses the place of collections on gender and sexuality within Lyon public libraries’ network. It also demonstrates the vital role of collaborations between activists and artistic associations; the ultimate goal being the delivery of concrete recommendations for the profession.

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