Grey literature and legal deposit: the approach of the Royal Library of Belgium

VANDEPONTSEELE, Sophie and ISBERGUE, Nadège (2019) Grey literature and legal deposit: the approach of the Royal Library of Belgium. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2019 - Athens, Greece - Libraries: dialogue for change in Session S12 - Serials and Other Continuing Resources with National Libraries. In: Grey Literature: Scholarly Communication in a Digital World, 23 August 2019, Athens, Greece.

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Grey literature and legal deposit: the approach of the Royal Library of Belgium

The Belgian Science Policy Office, which the Royal Library of Belgium, no known as KBR, is part of, has launched an institutional Open Access Repository for Federal Organisations (ORFEO). KBR has been involved at two levels: firstly by the integration of the publications from its researchers and secondly as a partner for the development of the repository. In the context of the latter, an analysis is conducted in order to consider the future of ORFEO and its integration in KBR's collections. The analysis includes a reflection about how a national library, whose mission includes the legal deposit, can play a role regarding grey literature. This article presents the initiatives for Open Access at a federal level, the particularities and current situation of the Belgian legal deposit and how grey literature can be taken into account. Finally, the three approaches studied to take over ORFEO are detailed.

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