The Discussion in the Scientific Literature about Theses and Dissertations: “Are They Still Grey Documents”?

BATISTA DE ASSIS, Tainá, QUONIAM, Luc Marie and ARAUJO DE REZENDE ALVARES, Lillian Maria (2019) The Discussion in the Scientific Literature about Theses and Dissertations: “Are They Still Grey Documents”?. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2019 - Athens, Greece - Libraries: dialogue for change in Session S12 - Serials and Other Continuing Resources with National Libraries. In: Grey Literature: Scholarly Communication in a Digital World, 23 August 2019, Athens, Greece.

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The Discussion in the Scientific Literature about Theses and Dissertations: “Are They Still Grey Documents”?

Theses and dissertations, unlike formally published scientific literature, are not included in a system of commercial publication and distribution. For this reason, until then, this documentary typology is characterized as grey literature. They are important research products that represent the original work of graduate students. It is noteworthy that the technological advances and the consequent alterations in the processes of scientific communication implied in the change of space, both of storage and of access, of the Grey Literature, as well as of the theses and dissertations. So, this paper aims to present the discussion about electronic theses and dissertations and Grey Literature. The main observations are that the phenomenon of the creation of national digital libraries of theses and dissertations worldwide, contribute to the greater dissemination, visibility and access to this documentary typology. This fact brings the reflection if they can still be considered as grey documents.

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