Libraries for the community: Inclusion of senior citizens through the project 65 Plus

ERCEGOVAC, Snježana, TUZLANČIĆ, Ira and ŠOLC, Vlasta (2019) Libraries for the community: Inclusion of senior citizens through the project 65 Plus. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2019 - Athens, Greece - Libraries: dialogue for change in Session 113c - IFLA Poster Session.

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Libraries for the community: Inclusion of senior citizens through the project 65 Plus

The project 65 Plus, run by the Zagreb City Libraries since 2008, has had a highly positive impact on numerous senior citizens in Zagreb. Its purpose is to socially integrate senior citizens and increase their active inclusion in cultural and social community events. It consists of 7 programmes: Books at Your Door - book and magazine deliveries to the Zagreb retirement homes and users unable to visit the libraries; Painting Hour - creative expression workshops for the seniors; Information Literacy Hour - senior citizen workshops on computer and information literacy; Generations’ Encounters - lectures, workshops and storytelling for pre-school children with senior citizens’ active participation; Classroom without Borders – various educational programmes for senior citizens and empowerment workshops and lectures for the seniors regarding their human rights, benefits and health and social care; 65 Plus Exhibition - senior citizens’ art exhibitions; The Workout - physical exercises tailored to senior citizens’ needs. During the project’s 10 years, the interest in activities has risen: in 2018, 6,756 users attended programmes organized in 27 libraries. The 65 Plus project aligns with two Sustainable Development Goals - 4, Quality Education, and 8, Reduced Inequalities. The project will be presented through figures, tables and text.

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