International Membership within the ALA International Relations Round Table: Goal and Dialogue for Change

LEE, Katherina (2019) International Membership within the ALA International Relations Round Table: Goal and Dialogue for Change. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2019 - Athens, Greece - Libraries: dialogue for change in Session 113c - IFLA Poster Session.

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International Membership within the ALA International Relations Round Table: Goal and Dialogue for Change

The International relations Round Table (IRRT) ,a membership unit within the American Library Association (ALA) was established in 1949. It is the only membership organisation of ALA that is devoted solely to international library interest. It's mission: (1) to promote interest in international library issues & librarianship worldwide (2) to help coordinate international activities within ALA (4) develop programs & activities which further international objectives of ALA. Our poster supports the theme of IFLA WLIC 2019 and the UN SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals. This is ALA IRRT membership committee first poster session outside of USA. We will showcase the ALA international membership, international initiatives, international members' programs and activities which promote international relations and global partnership for goals. How the membership committee roles and responsibilities could contribute to the achievement of the ALA IRRT mission; and represent a dynamic change in international library and librarianship worldwide; and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals primarily on "partnership for the goals". We will also showcase other UN SDGs on reduced inequalities, quality education and decent work and economic growth.

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