Library Environment Sustainability Progress Index (LESPI): Benchmarking Libraries’ Progress Towards Sustainable Development

AYTAC, Selenay (2019) Library Environment Sustainability Progress Index (LESPI): Benchmarking Libraries’ Progress Towards Sustainable Development. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2019 - Athens, Greece - Libraries: dialogue for change in Session 156 - Environment, Sustainability and Libraries.

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Library Environment Sustainability Progress Index (LESPI): Benchmarking Libraries’ Progress Towards Sustainable Development

IFLA’s demands to be co-custodian of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development provides tremendous opportunity for libraries’ transformation into the future, but it comes with a huge obligation. The 2030 UN Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 specific targets addressing the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. There is no doubt that we are in the phase where transformative change is necessary for libraries regarding sustainable development. However, most libraries have insufficient data to assess whether they are on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, this paper presents a “Library Environment Sustainability Progress Index” (LESPI) which can be used as a benchmarking tool for any library to assess their compliance with the goals. In order to compile the Index, the 169 concrete targets were carefully examined and 46 of them selected for inclusion in the LESPI. The proposed measure has been pilot tested with a college library in New York. This measure should be tested with another library, perhaps with a public library, to monitor the feasibility of the Index. Moreover, creating a “composite score” for three major components of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) equation as well as for the Index in general would be beneficial to make more informative comparisons in the future with other libraries.

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