Accessible Books for All

TURNER, Brad and WADORS VERNE, Lisa (2018) Accessible Books for All. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2018 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Transform Libraries, Transform Societies in Session S06 - Library Services to People with Special Needs with Libraries for Children and Young Adults. In: Inclusive Library Services for Children and Young Adults, 23 August 2018, Singapore.

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Accessible Books for All

There has been a shift in the way people access information: e-books and the widespread use of graphics to convey information have created a “new normal” for how many people read and learn. While these resources are readily available, too many of them are not accessible to people who have a disability that prevents their use of printed material. As a result, people with disabilities such as vision impairments, physical limitations and severe learning disabilities often face barriers to information. Benetech/Bookshare has partnered both with US and international partners to provide free access to over 400,000 books, periodicals and more to qualified library patrons. In this session participants will hear about some new agreements and opportunities to provide accessible e-books to their qualified library patrons through a variety of technology platforms

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