Research project “Open Access in vocational education and training research”

LANGENKAMP, Karin, RÖDEL, Bodo, TAUFENBACH, Kerstin and WEILAND, Meike (2018) Research project “Open Access in vocational education and training research”. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2018 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Transform Libraries, Transform Societies in Session 153 - Poster Session.

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Research project “Open Access in vocational education and training research”

Open Access in vocational education and training research” is the title of a current research project from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (VET) which is scheduled until 2020. The aim is to examine the conditions which exert an influence on the acceptance, dissemination and use of OA in the Vocational Education and Training. In the framework of the research project a so called RLTW-matrix has been developed showing the conditions and the characteristics which are necessary to reduce criticism and scepticism in the VET. The aim of this poster is to draw attention to the project and thus raise awareness of OA as a publication model. A further aspiration is to enter into a discourse on the dissemination of academic research knowledge and of creative academic research work in the field of VET. Due to the fact that VET is an interlinking academic research area the results should be transferable to social sciences and the humanities.

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