Open Data Network of Asean Foreign Affairs Ministry Libraries: a feasibility studies

IRHAMNI, Ali, KUMORO, Wahyu and WAHYUNI, Nur Cahyati (2018) Open Data Network of Asean Foreign Affairs Ministry Libraries: a feasibility studies. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2018 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Transform Libraries, Transform Societies in Session 187a - Government Libraries.

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Language: English (Original)
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Open Data Network of Asean Foreign Affairs Ministry Libraries: a feasibility studies

The ASEAN Foreign Affairs Ministry (ASEAN-FAM) as the front guard of ASEAN diplomacy needs to think a new strategy containing a new way of communications among their stake holders. ASEAN-FAM Libraries, the places which provide expansion, creation, and collaboration, have a huge potency to link and collaborate ASEAN Community by creating a networking which could share information and resources to promote strong skills and potential in science and technology and seek to leverage these capacities to increase regional competitiveness, foster innovation and entrepreneurship, improve resources management with implementation of open data. The purpose of this research is to get clear insights about the network collaboration of foreign affairs ministry libraries in ASEAN region and to promote as well as to apply the open government data among ASEAN countries. This research is using survey check on three aspects of open data implementation on ASEAN FAM. There are data transparency, open data policy and technical aspect in data interoperability in 10 ASEAN-FAM. After examining the three aspects, this paper will describe a design system that should be adopted by the ASEAN-FAM Open Data Network. Some findings discovered on this research were: most of ASEAN countries do not have freedom of information act as seen from transparency aspect; only some ASEAN member states’ freedom of information act could influence the information dissemination act in ASEAN-FAM, this situation created various differentiations on disseminating information among ASEAN-FAM; only Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore which are using standard metadata can ensure the data interoperability. The main issue in technical aspect is about collecting the data. ASEAN Secretariat can be used as the center of FAM-Library network on Open Government data initiatives in ASEAN region. The conclusion of this research is the ASEAN-FAM Library Network can be implemented among the countries in the region and it will have a huge implication to create an impact on ASEAN Regional Foreign policies but there are several problems on how to implement FAM-Library Network, there are: differentiation on information policy in each ASEAN country, information technology infrastructure and interoperability data.

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