EVS changes the Library! For plus points!

WASZCZUK, Weronika and ZAWALSKA-HAWEL, Aleksandra (2017) EVS changes the Library! For plus points!. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2017 – Wrocław, Poland – Libraries. Solidarity. Society. in Session 112 - Poster Sessions.

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Language: English (Original)
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EVS changes the Library! For plus points!

A library is not just books. A library is the place of meeting "The New". That is why we would like to present our CreativeSpace@Library project realised within the framework of European Voluntary Service. It is one of the most interesting forms of developing an active and open society, a society that cares about a common welfare. The beneficiaries of the project are the volunteers from different countries, a local community and the library itself. We want to show, that the library is a meeting-place of people who expand their horizons, come to know new cultures and languages and who include local community in their activities. This creates an unrivalled opportunity of practicing an everyday communication at the junction of cultures, creating and obeying collective rules and also respecting disparate views and values. Thanks to the participation in the project all its beneficiaries - volunteers, librarians and local community working together - learn receptivity to cultural diversity and respect towards it. At the moment we are hosting volunteers from Armenia, Belarus, France and Spain. Our collaborative effort in the framework of intercultural cooperation helps to prevent prejudice, racism and all the comportment that leads to rejection. By teaching tolerance and understanding for alterity, we prove that the ascertainment "each different, all equal" is a fact. Our activities will be presented with interesting graphics, which will inspire our colleagues working not only in European libraries. For nearly 5000 organisations accredited by European Commission, a little more than 20 are libraries.

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