Sharing knowledge. Solidarity makes joy

GLUŠIČ, Milena and KOTNIK, Andrej (2017) Sharing knowledge. Solidarity makes joy. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2017 – Wrocław, Poland – Libraries. Solidarity. Society. in Session 112 - Poster Sessions.

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Sharing knowledge. Solidarity makes joy

Project Sharing Knowledge is a special form of lifelong informal education which offers that people voluntarily impart knowledge to other people. It encourages solidarity and emphasises the meaning of a lifelong learning. The project includes vulnerable groups and promotes sociability. The library thus enables that certain knowledge and skills are spread among people that in the other case would remain unnoticed and unexploited. Who voluntarily shares knowledge? Workingly active individuals, pensioners and foreigners. By organizing a project, the library actively participates in the life of its local community. In such way, we attract new users who for the first time get acquainted with the offer of the public library. By using our material and our complete offer, they contribute to themselves and to the whole society. An individual who wants to share knowledge, contacts the library where he/she presents his/her competence to the coordinator. The coordinator judges if the theme and content of the workshop are suitable for being performed in the library premises, and then sets the date of the implementation. The coordinator assumes the organisation (promotion, design of posters, registration of participants, booking and arranging of premises, printing of learning material and the preparation of other material). On the web pages of the library are available the additional information for the project coordination reasons for the providers and participants of courses and workshops. Some activities which were performed: • The elementary and advanced course of French and Italian language • Spending of school holidays with creative workshops and chess play • Six weeks long yoga course in spring and autumn period • The workshop of public appearance • The creation of ecological dolls according to Waldorf mode • The making of usable objects made of felting wool during winter period • Decorated fruits and vegetables • Recycling – making of unique handbags from video cassettes tapes

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