Information for and about development politics and action in Switzerland: a partnership between government and civil society

VALLOTTON PREISIG, Amélie (2013) Information for and about development politics and action in Switzerland: a partnership between government and civil society. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2013 - Singapore - Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities in Session 221 - Government Information and Official Publications with Government Libraries.

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Language: Spanish (Translation)
Available under licence Creative Commons Attribution.


Information for and about development politics and action in Switzerland: a partnership between government and civil society

This paper will first expose the specificities of the information landscape for and about development politics and action in Switzerland; it will then explain a partnership between government and civil society that has been built to address this specific situation, and finally it will expose the main services that are offered as a result of this partnership.

Información sobre Medidas y Políticas Desarrollistas en Suiza: Una Alianza entre el Gobierno y la Sociedad Civil

Esta ponencia revelará las especificidades de la información sobre las medidas y políticas desarrollistas en Suiza; luego explicará la alianza entre el gobierno y la sociedad civil que se ha construido para tratar esta situación específica, y finalmente dará a conocer los principales servicios que se ofrecen como resultado de dicha alianza.

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