Accessibility at Conferences for People with Disabilities in Sweden

CARLSSON-ASPLUND, Heidi (2017) Accessibility at Conferences for People with Disabilities in Sweden. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2017 – Wrocław, Poland – Libraries. Solidarity. Society. in Session 72 - Library Services to People with Special Needs with Library serving persons with print disabilities.

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Accessibility at Conferences for People with Disabilities in Sweden

This paper is about how to arrange an accessible conference for all. I use a checklist made by The Swedish Agency for Participation. The work of the Agency is to ensure that disability policy will have an impact in all corners of society. They work on the premise that everyone is entitled to full participation in society, regardless of functional ability. They do this by for example proposing methods, guidelines, guidance and checklists. I use one of them here: “Checklist for arranging accessible conferences”. Conferences on equal terms for participants and speakers are good start.

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