The Robot Zoo: Reaching out to Bring People in

FOSTER, Amy (2016) The Robot Zoo: Reaching out to Bring People in. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2016 – Columbus, OH – Connections. Collaboration. Community in Session 101 - Poster Sessions.

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The Robot Zoo: Reaching out to Bring People in

In the Fall of 2015, the Boone County Public Library embarked on a brainstorming project to find ways to use our library space in new and innovative ways. Ultimately, we wanted to connect with not only our core users but with those in the area who would not normally visit our institution. Our library collaborated with our community partner, Duke Energy to obtain funding that allowed us to be the first library system to display the Robot Zoo exhibit. The exhibit, normally found in museum spaces, is an interactive robotics display with a goal of connecting young users with the concepts of robotics and the core elements of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). As a suburban library system, many members of our community do not have in the immediate area the opportunity to visit a museum that offers free exhibits in close proximity and which are of interest to all ages within a family. Partnerships with local schools has brought 2500 students to our library and attendance has increased by 227%. Our library system is now seeking out other interactive exhibits which will turn our libraries into dynamic places of learning, fun and collaboration.

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