Religious education projects with collaborative teaching and technology tools

CHEUNG, Sau Ching Helen (2016) Religious education projects with collaborative teaching and technology tools. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2016 – Columbus, OH – Connections. Collaboration. Community in Session 155 - Religious Libraries in Dialogue.

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Religious education projects with collaborative teaching and technology tools

Technology is the tool that can help theological colleges in many areas such as providing education platforms, making connection with the community and reaching existing students and even potential lay people. However technology cannot replace the strength of collaboration of people and community. In this paper, two projects of HKSKH Ming Hua Theological College Lai Wong Yan Lin Library (MH Library) will be highlighted. One project provides religious courses to people around the world; the other project is for local secondary schools students using the theme of “Life Education with positive thinking” to help their personal growth and digital literacy skills. These projects show how a theological library team acts as an academic link for a theological college to spread knowledge and creates inter-religious possibilities beyond the physical limitation of the College buildings. The MH library team uses collaborative teaching (religious and Life Education courses by teachers; digital literacy skills by librarians), and develops IT tools (especially the MH Global Classroom System and online IT tools) as learning and communication platforms for teachers, students, public and outside organizations with different religious and non-religious backgrounds.

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