D-curation: new ways for DGIST library to share knowledge with library users

KIM, KyungAh (2016) D-curation: new ways for DGIST library to share knowledge with library users. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2016 – Columbus, OH – Connections. Collaboration. Community in Session 222 - Knowledge Management.

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D-curation: new ways for DGIST library to share knowledge with library users

We live in an age of big data and the knowledge is scattered everywhere. So content curation is necessary for filtering through all the useful content across the web. DGIST has developed our own curation platform named "D-curation(http://curation.dgist.ac.kr)" to manage and share social media content with users and other librarians. In this presentation, DGIST Library demonstrate how libraries face new challenges in relation to social media curation and share our experimental ways for the last two years with colleagues.

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